Life can be compared to an operating system, the life we possess enable our bodies to perform various functions. The operating system is a collection of softwares, each software performs it individual tasks and the combination of these tasks makes up the operating system and gives the operating system it's functionality. Life is also a collection of the behaviours we exhibit and functions we perform. The unconscious behaviours we exhibit one of which is breathing gives our body it functionality.
Also, the life within us manages our body6 system and helps us to perform actions such as seeing, hearing, walking and a lot more. As a matter of fact, our ears, eyes, nose, legs, hands and all our boy parts could be related to the hardware components of the system unit, while the life that drives the human body is being related to the operating system. The operating manages computer hardware and provides common services for computer programs, each program is related to the tasks the human body performs such as lifting things, walking, running and a lot of other tasks. All these aforementioned task require life, which forms the basis or creates the service for the performance of such tasks.
Again, the operating system is a vital component of the system unit, as without the operating system, the system unit cannot perform any function as it is useless. This is just like life within we humans, when life leaves a body, the body is nothing but pure garbage. It is useless as it cannot perform it basic tasks any longer. The major difference between the system unit and the human body is that when a system unit contain no operating system, a new one can be installed. But as for the human body, when life leaves, that ends everything.
Furthermore, the human body contains a neural network that could be related to buses ( a bus is a subsystem that transfers data between components inside a computer ) on the motherboard with the human brain coordinating the whole network just as the processor coordinates every activity that is performed by the motherboard. The system unit and the operating system are a lot similar to the human body and the life that runs the human body. This proposes that computers that can perform almost the same actions as we humans can be designed. This is the conclusion that drives the field of robotics.