Monday, 1 October 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Opportunity: A Brief Description

Utilizing every opportunity is the key to survive and succeed in the human race.Opportunity is a phenomenon people regard to as a rare moment that some people put into use and some other would not even perceive it.
But opportunity seems to be more than that, it is the very to anything that has ever been created or discovered. As a matter of fact, an individual should consider himself opportuned to be present in the world.

Opportunity only present itself to those who want to see it as opportunities abound everywhere, even outside planet Earth. There is always something that is of benefit to everyone , but not a lot of people seem to see it that way. Utilize your opportunity,and you would never remain the same.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Machine Intelligence: The Turing Test

When humanity was faced with how it would check or test the intelligence of the machines it created, it developed a way of achieving that by inspiring a certain person known as Alan Turing with a method which became generally accepted and criticized. This test was tagged the Turing test. It is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour.
Turing suggested that a human judge should engage in a natural language conversation with a machine and a human. The machine being able to perform such that it would not be distinguished from the human. The three participants are to be separated from one another. The machine fails the test if the judge distinguishes it from the human due to the answers it gives and it passes the test if the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human.

In executing the test, it should be noted that the test does not check the ability to give correct answers, but it checks how closely the answer to each question resembles a typical human answer. Also, if the conversation were to be a vocal one, the result would be failure for the machine. Therefore, the conversation is limited to a text only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen so that the result obtained would not be dependent on the ability of the machine to render words in audio and also the quality of the sound produced.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Computer Keyboards: The Chiclet Variant

Recently, one would observe that the type of computer keyboards one see possess an array of keys, with each key looking like a small square with rounded corners. These set of keyboards are known as the chiclet keyboards.
The name "chiclet" isb a brand of chewing gum that has the shape of a square with rounded corners. These keyboards, have each key surrounded and held in place by a perforated plate which results in space between the keys. The chiclet keyboards are also different when compared to the slant edge keys that the traditional keyboards possess.

The chiclet keyboard also possess elevated keys that have some spaces between them. It has a design that enables the keys to blend into the surrounding area of the entire keyboard. The chiclet keyboard also has an advantage over the traditional keyboard in that it provides a user a smaller chance of hitting the wrong key. This wrong key hit chance reduction is effected by a slightly larger area of the chiclet key in comparison to traditional keyboards.
Chiclet keyboards has attained a level of popularity as it is seen especially in notebooks and netbooks and it is prominently used in Asus Laptops and Apple MacBooks.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Sleep: The End Result Of Tiredness

Everyday, the human body gets worked up would require some rest, the "rest" is effected by the phenomenon called sleeping. It is in crude terms a time of rest when the body regains it energy. During sleep, the body is totally unconscious, but the mind is not.
The mind tries to connect a lot of dots with respect to the activities that occurs while the individual was awake. The mind ponders carefully and sometimes it is able to chalk out results which most times is unknown to the individual.

The average human wakes up about four times during a good night sleep. There are several stages of sleep, but the stage of sleep when the individual start to see images is seen by an observer as when the eyes start moving.That shows to the observer that streams of images are beginning to accumulate in the mind. These images may be remembered or otherwise, but the main thing is the human connection to the unconscious.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Perfection: The Unattainable

Life would never be interesting if perfection were a common thin. Perfection would only make things stereotypical because for the existence of humans, there must be the presence of some element of bias.
As a matter of fact, human existence hinges on laws which are meant to be obeyed or broken in order for history to be recorded. Perfection is just in front of humans but cannot be achieved by anyone. Imperfection is the reason for physiological and sociological merits and demerits.

A human with a good heart, that is a good person would have bad intentions an demerits, however really small. Also a person with a bad reputation would definitely have an ounce of good in him. A lot of sports that people derive entertainment from would not be entertaining after all if imperfection were not present. The absence of perfection is the reason for social strata  which encompasses behaviours, likes, dislikes, principles, laws, judgements, punishment and a lot of other things, even feeding. Not being perfect is the ever present essence of living, a perfect being is in fact not human.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Hyper-threading Technology: Not In Details

Hyper-threading Technology is useful, when it comes to computing, it is a technology that improves the running of multiple tasks at once by making the operating system to address two virtual or logical cores when only one processor is present.
It also allows the operating system to share the work load betwen the virtual cores. Hyper-threading is a technology that makes one processor appear to the Operating system as two processors, this allows the operating system to schedule two processors at once.

The term Hyper-threading was Intel's term for simultaneous multi-threading, which works by duplicating a certain section of the processor which is the section that store the architectural state of the processor. Hyper-threading requires that the Operating System support multiple processors, not only that ,but the Operating System should be optimized for Hyper-threading technology. Hyper-threading technology has gone a long way to improve the speed of computing, it is used in most computers nowadays and there is assurance of more us and definite improvement in the future

Monday, 10 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Primitive Species And The Human Social Life

Interesting it is to observe that a lot of other species on this planet that have been recorded to be relatively primitive to humans experience the lessons life teaches humans, though in a crude way. The amazing part, is that these species seem to either find a way out of life's harshness or live with it without complaint.
This is quite typical of ants, this specie work together with more efficiency than humans and save enough food for the days they would not be able to gather.

Another interesting  species is the domestic chicken, it experiences life it originality given the fact that it has a shorter life span relative to we humans. It experiences danger, hunger, hardship and a lot more, even the good ones. It lesson begins with it birth, as it struggles to survive diseases and is under constant protection by it mother. The situation gets worse when it becomes mature enough to wander on it own, searching for food, escaping danger and even trying to establish a peck order. This continues till it eventual death, it is a primitive specie that takes life head on, always trying to find a way out.

A lot of other species behave in similar manner to the domestic chicken. A wise person once said, "go to the ants and learn from it ways". If humans start observing and comparing the social lives of other species, it will not be so hard to find out that humans are not so different to other species after all, but just privileged.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Change: The Unstoppable

In almost every situation in life, an individual would always want to deny that change is  imminent. Most humans do not always want change, though not in all aspects, but some aspects of their lives.
It should be perfectly understood that without constant change, the planet earth would not be in existence, hence we humans. Change made ancient man who once lived in caves and on trees to over time build elegant and wonderful structures as seen in present day.

Every human being should also consider that he is a changing being. Every part of the human body, even at cellular level undergo some sort of change at every point in time. Conception in the womb signals change, then the transformation that occur during the gestation period is every bit a picture that signifies change. After delivery, the baby begin to grow, which is change as his bones grow in length and strength. As a matter of fact, every part of his body changes. the process then continue till death, which is not the final stage of change physiologically as after death series of decomposition and other processes occur. Change would survive as long as the human race survives.

Lastly, to survive in life efficiently, one must learn to adapt to changes in timely fashion

Friday, 7 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

The Ear: A Wonderful Organ

When a careful observation of the human body is carried out, everyone would discover that each organ has it usefulness and that the whole body would not function optimally if a organ is out of place. The ear would be the organ one would reckon with as the organ that detects sound.
It is an important organ of the human body that senses audio signals and changes it to nerve impulses for the brain to interpret. The visible ear is first of many steps to hearing, as the hearing process is complex and really fast.

The ear also aids balance and body position as it is responsible for psychological balance in human beings. The ear as it was communicated earlier recognize sound which is he means of auditory communication. Although, the sense organ for recognizing audio signal or sound is the ear, it is the brain that really do the hearing. The brain is a wonderful component of the body as it coordinates everything that runs in the body. It is like super turbo charged high capacity processor that works really well without hitches and is not in danger of developing a fault because a larger part of it is in fact idle.

The ear is so good at detecting changes in sound produce such that when a new tone is introduced into the fray, the head automatically turns in the direction of the sound. The ear is an interesting piece of the creator's technology, nothing can rival it effectiveness.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Curiosity: Pros and Cons

Every human has a strong desire to know or learn about certain things, even though interests are divided, that is each person has his interest in particular things. Humans are a species that crave to know about themselves and their environment.
Humans are a curious species and as such are very resourceful in learning of finding out a lot of things and also storing them up in memory. The level of curiosity about certain things differ among individuals as a person who is exceptionally curious about astronomical facts could be less curious about stock market transaction.

Being curious could be termed good or bad owing to the situation it was applied or the effects it can muster. It a lot of sense when the things that an individual is eager to learn does not in any way affect another individual, when it does in fact affect negatively, it is tagged a bad use of curiosity. Bear in mind that some excceptions might occur as every human needs to be checked once in a while to cut off anti societal behaviours.

When an individual is curious about information that does not concern him, he has indirectly opened the door to problems. The bottom line is this "curiosity is good when the matter at hand concerns you, but bad when otherwise". Man is curious being, therefore it comes as no surprise when the recent space rover sent to explore Mars was named Curiosity.

On a final note, one should learn to check the excesses of natural human behaviours as they can put one in trouble.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Touchsreens: A Relevant Encapsulation

Presently, majority of the screen of various mobile devices possess a visual display that can detect the presence and location of touch, which of course is within the display area. Such type of screens are referred to as Touchscreens.
Touchscreens enables a user to interact directly with whatever is displayed on the screen. It eliminates the tedious use of a pointer controlled by a mouse or touch pad. The Touchscreen also let the user interact with the display without making use of any intermediate device that would need to be held in hand, other than a stylus, which is optional in modern Touchscreens.

The touchscreens we see around us are based on different technologies, but the two most common variety are the resistive touchscreen and capacitive touchscreen. Resistive touchscreens in crude terms are those type of touchscreens that can respond to touch from any object, that is from both conductive and non-conductive objects. The second variety which is the capacitive touchscreen is a type of touchscreen that responds to a special capacitive stylus and conductive objects of which the human hands and fingers are eligible.

Finally, a friend of mine who did not have any prior knowledge about the types of touchscreens, but is a person who determines to discover things on his own observed that some touchscreens work on application of pressure, which in this case blood pressure, he then took a sachet of water, drain some part of the water, and he made the sachet containing water to touch the screen. The screen responded perfectly. The screen he carried out this test on was a capacitive touchscreen. Touchscreens are everywhere, and they rove to be the key to unlocking future technologies.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Idea: Dangerous Yet So Amazing

Certainly, a very dangerous disease would be one that spreads in a host faster and most importantly wreak havoc in the host within a short period of time.
Many reckon that the most dangerous disease is caused by a family of parasites known as plasmodium spp. The disease is generally called malaria, it affects the body, but does the mind take a blow?, the answer is no!. What then is the most dangerous disease of the mind? I believe that this disease is a phenomenon called Idea.

An idea is a thought of or about something to do or make. It is a thought that eats through the mind, it spreads like a deadly disease. Once an idea is planted in an individuals mind, most especially by his subconscious, it is hard to get rid of it as an idea takes over the mind. An idea has the capacity to occupy the mind and as such controls an individuals actions.

There has been nothing that we humans see around us that is not product of thought, as a matter of fact, life is an idea conceived in the mind of the creator. In life, there is good and evil, so there definitely exist constructive ideas as well as destructive ideas. One should always ensure to nip destructive ideas in the bud by conceiving a constructive idea or making one's morals function. A man's idea depicts his personality, and shows the world the nature of his subconscious

Monday, 3 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Life And The Electric Circuit: A Brief Comparison

Life can be compared to a lot of things, an interesting one is the electric circuit. An electric circuit is a closed conducting path through which an electric current either flows or is intended to flow. The idea that an electric circuit relates to the fact that life is like a boomerang as any action taken has it consequences. "What goes around, comes around"

An electric circuit also has it parameters which are the various elements it possesses, some of which are resistance, capacitance and inductance. In life, one always strive to overcome every situation, the level of effort offered to overcome obstacles also determines one's future. The resistor is an important component of the electric circuit, its work is to oppose the flow of current. The course of life is like the electric current, it flows and comes in contact with components like the inductor, capacitors and resistors, with each of the component been affected by the electric current or the component impressing an effect on it.

The force that drives the current through a circuit is related to man's fighting spirit, but unfortunately, a lot of humans tend to give up or lose that force when resisted. They look lackluster to tackle the opposition. A good strategy of attack is the second step to defeating an opposition, the first step is knowing the opposition and it strength

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Loudspeakers: A Wonderful Innovation

One of the wonderful innovations by humans is the (loud)speaker. The (loud)speaker converts electrical signal or energy to the appropriate sound signal after the microphone or any other media has converted the original sound energy to electrical signal.
The sound produced by (loud)speakers are a lot louder than the original sound input, this is due to an equipment called the amplifier.

The loudspeaker meets the need of almost every human, as it allows everybody in a large congregation to hear effectively and clearly the original sound produce by a speaking individual or a media device. Sound signal is wave-like and requires no material medium ( empty space ) to propagate. Sound energy is converted to it equivalent electrical signal for ease of amplification and other fine tuning. Sound/Audio Engineering is an interesting field that deals with the transmission, compression, amplification, conversion, noise reduction, reinforcement,.... of sound using different equipment.

Loudspeakers disseminates whatever is transmitted to them, and the loudspeaker's opinion is this "he that has ears, let him hear".

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Dreams: Images And Hope

When one sleep, a succession of moving images occur involuntarily in one's mind, most of the time one sees himself in those images. This occur at some certain stages of sleep, and the phenomenon is widely regarded to as dreaming.
The human consciousness has no influence on whatever an individual encounter in his dream, as it is the subconscious that tries to connect to the unconscious. Therefore, it is an involuntary connection to the unconscious.

An individual's dream could also be referred to as his hope for what he want to be in future and his wish to have something, especially something that he deemed difficult . It is good to have dreams as it is that part of human nature that set one to achieve goals in life. When an individual's mind is set to achieve something, and he has a hope of achieving it, he should consider it his dream and work towards making it a reality.

Dreaming in one's sleep has it contents and purpose not definitively understood, but dreaming about what one to have or be, is a clear picture pasted on one's mind.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Life: A Changing Equation

Life is like an equation whose function and type changes at any given situation. A situation in life could be a linear equation when it seems straight forward, it could possess an increasing linear function or a decreasing linear function which also depends on the situation at hand.
It could be a transcendental equation which when interpreted on a graph could depict that life has ups and downs, the good times and otherwise.

To compare life with an equation is partly a fantasy as in life, the variables,  functions and type of the equation changes of the equation changes with the action one perform. It is like a science fiction movie in which people travel back in time to undo or put in place some certain actions to get an expected change in the future.

One must decide to take charge of the equation of one's life so as to check the changes that occur to it. An old saying goes, "look before you leap", it is necessary to observe before taking actions as a time travelling machine is a fantasy that we humans want to make a reality

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Green; The Colour Of Nature

Almost every human believe the colour of nature is green, and why not?, it is the most abundant colour when it comes to life.
Green is a colour that commands growth and stability, it also communicates that life is present in any area. Plants possess the green colour due to the presence of chlorophyll which helps them to synthesize their food.

The major activity in the campaign against global warming is that of planting trees. The green house effect is caused by the presence of excess carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere, and plants are the solution to it as they absorb carbon-dioxide and release oxygen which to we humans is emphatically essential.

Every Human should plant a tree or protect a lot of trees, else the repercussions may be unbearable

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Technology: The Bedrock Of Mankind

When one look around and observe his surrounding, one would see that machines form the bedrock of his environ. An individual's everyday life which include every activity he performs always have connection with machines.
Even when sleeping, either on a bed or the couch, the design of the bed and the couch shows us that technology is quite involved. As a matter of fact, anybody reading this write-up is doing so through a machine.

These machines do most of the work we humans do and are going to do a lot more in the future owing to the fact that technological improvement seem to be a day to day process. The phones we use now could act as your personal assistant and the have million times the computing power of the first computers to be designed.

 Through history, we observe that computers that seem to be created for particular organizations one of which is the military now through technological improvement are on our laps and in our pocket. Continuous improvement in technology is the way to the future. Technology could be the best thing that happened to mankind

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Noise: A Listener's Point Of View

When the sound heard makes no sense to the listener, it is generally regarded as noise. What may be considered noise to an individual, may actually make a lot of sense to another person, that proves that noise is a phenomenon that depicts the concept of relativity.
In an electric or audio signal, noise could be disturbances that accompany and interfere with the signal.

Noise is also generally known as unpleasant sound. No matter the level of distortion in the sound produced, a calm and careful listener could recognize a strong regular repeated pattern in the sound produced. This also represent the fact about the Ying and Yang. In life, do not condemn anybody, even if the person has a bad reputation. Always put effort to see "the good" in other people.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Comments Drives Improvement

Making comments about any effort relieves the person that made such effort, commenting about any post on a website drives improvement from the writer. This post is a short one relative to the other posts on this website.

Commenting also integrates some level of inspiration in a writer. The message being passed across is very straight forward, which is to always make sensible and relevant comments about any write-up one come across, be it good or bad. For a start, try as much as possible to make more than one comment on every post on this website. Praise and criticism help improve a strong willed person.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Becoming The Best: The Android Example

The uniqueness of the word best is awesome, as it distinguishes people who engage in the same task in terms of competence. To succeed in life, one must always aspire to be the best. It is important to note that the individual that is being tagged the best in a particular task may not possibly be the best in the world as there exist other people who can perform better than such an individual. The problem that those people have is lack of exposure.

To become the best option fore most people, one must have competed at different levels in life. To emerge from the bottom to the top in an organisation one must have been in charge of several positions. Hence one must strive to win always even if incentives are not attached to the competition. To succeed depends on the individual, when he wishes and acts to succeed, nothing can stand on his way.

The Android operating system is what I refer to as "the emerging best". In the world technology, nothing can be referred to as the best, because one would always discover that each and every device have some sort of edge over the other. The Android operating system first release was in 2007 and the appearance of things at present, it is available on almost any real smartphone. The versions of the Android operating system always come with and innovative improvement that blows the mind. One of the most of the devices that runs Android OS sold out {Galaxy S3}, this shows that a lot of people love the operating system.

The Android operating system before becoming "an emerging best" must have competed at the bottom of of the operating system chain before competing at the top. It is a major competitor with the iOS of the Apple's iPhone. In life, one must always tread cautiously, compete at the lowest level before moving to higher levels. At the highest level of competition, one must strive to always remain in the competition. Only then can one be a force to be reckoned with.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Life And The Operating system: Similarities

Life can be compared to an operating system, the life we possess enable our bodies to perform various functions. The operating system is a collection of softwares, each software performs it individual tasks and the combination of these tasks makes up the operating system and gives the operating system it's functionality. Life is also a collection of the behaviours we exhibit and functions we perform. The unconscious behaviours we exhibit one of which is breathing gives our body it functionality.

Also, the life within us manages our body6 system and helps us to perform actions such as seeing, hearing, walking and a lot more. As a matter of fact, our ears, eyes, nose, legs, hands and all our boy parts could be related to the hardware components of the system unit, while the life that drives the human body is being related to the operating system. The operating manages computer hardware and provides common services for computer programs, each program is related to the tasks the human body performs such as lifting things, walking, running and a lot of other tasks. All these aforementioned task require life, which forms the basis or creates the service for the performance of such tasks.

Again, the operating system is a vital component of the system unit, as without the operating system, the system unit cannot perform any function as it is useless. This is just like life within we humans, when life leaves a body, the body is nothing but pure garbage. It is useless as it cannot perform it basic tasks any longer. The major difference between the system unit and the human body is that when a system unit contain no operating system, a new one can be installed. But as for the human body, when life leaves, that ends everything.

Furthermore, the human body contains a neural network that could be related to buses ( a bus is a subsystem that transfers data between components inside a computer ) on the motherboard with the human brain coordinating the whole network just as the processor coordinates every activity that is performed by the motherboard. The system unit and the operating system are a lot similar to the human body and the life that runs the human body. This proposes that computers that can perform almost the same actions as we humans can be designed. This is the conclusion that drives the field of robotics.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Boredom: A Creativity Inhibitor

Boredom is period when one feel weary and dull, a period when one feel nothing is happening when in fact, a lot is happening. The individual fail to notice whatever is happening in his vicinity as interesting because the strings of events that happens, follow a regular pattern. Therefore, any event that occur at that unenthusiastic period presents it self as something that such an individual has seen a lot of times.

Nothing in our world can keep an individual entertained for a long time as we humans always crave for change unconsciously. The fact that one changes his dress, food, drink and a lot of other things establishes that fact. Being bored is like a punishment as it causes the mind to be in a static state where thinking , and interesting memories of one's past are almost shut out, "almost", being the operative word because at times during the period of boredom, one just seem to remember a few interesting events tat one was involved. A bored person cannot at that period be creative because the natural will to create has been kept rather quiet by his subconscious.

Being bored is different from being idle, as one could be bored with whatever one is doing, like work, but being idle is when one is lazy and would not want to do anything. A bored person finds something to do, but it does not entertain him, while an idle person does not want to do anything.

The solution to boredom is to be involved in a variety of activities that are not in a regular repeating pattern. This proposes that one engages in different activities at different periods in a day as this reduced the tendency of being bored. For instance, video games can bore a person when he keeps playing over and again, but when other activities like reading, watching a movie, surfing the internet and chatting with friends are done altogether with work, the individuals day cannot be anything better. But planning the times at which each activity is performed is of utmost importance as one must make sure that the activities do not follow a regular pattern. Being bored is human nature, but it is wise to lit it as it inhibits creative thinking

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Technology: Man's Quest For Ease

In ancient times, man thought his way of life as difficult, therefore, he developed tools made from stones which were very useful in his hunting and gathering campaign. As time went by, man began to feel that the use of stone tools has made him redundant and made life difficult for him, so he devised tools from iron and later bronze. But man was never satisfied with any innovation, therefore through the course of history innovations and inventions continue to show up. Man's quest to do things easier drives his passion for innovation, therefore improvements were made in in ever aspect of his life. In farming, he made work easier through the use of animals as beasts of burden.

Then to the industrial revolution, ma applied sophisticated techniques in solving so many problems thereby making work a lot easier and also increasing the speed and efficiency of work. The world witnessed an outburst of creative inventions during the industrial revolution. The problems that require solutions were enormous, therefore machines were crafted to effect solutions.

Most of the inventions of those days were painstaking masterpieces crafted by ingenious minds and from careful observation of the machines of today, we conclude that only a few inventions relative to that of the industrial revolution has been crafted as only modifications were made to most of the machines invented during the industrial revolution. The modifications made were just for the purpose of improving efficiency, speed and also making the work done easier.

Technology as a term was born in the twentieth century but the phenomenon dates back to the very beginning of man's existence. People will care to agree that every improvement, innovation and invention at any point in history seems fascinating and as such regarded as cutting-edge technology. But technology improves everyday as the technology that was regarded as cutting-edge today would in fact be outdated in matter of months. Researchers are helping to improve technology in the best possible way through modifications and inventions. Though technology also presents it deadly use which is in weapons creation, it is a very good force that drives man to achieve his goals with ease.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Help And Hospitality: Different Vantage Points

When a person sees an individual he recognizes, the first probable statement that he utters is " how are you? ". This statement dates back to the beginning of time, and it would continue to survive. The survival of this statement is due to a character possessed by we humans which is hospitality. Hospitality is the friendly and generous treatment of the people around us, it is a character we exhibit as a result of our nature.

Whenever we discover that anybody is in a terrible situation, our first thought is to offer help, but a larger percentage of we humans always stop to think again concerning the situation. In the end the majority would decide not obeying the "mind your business" policy, while, a few will oblige to offer help. Hospitality is an action that has bilateral repercussions that is it affect the receiver as well as performer, though it may not be simultaneous. Unknowingly, one may be generous to himself by refusing to offer help, this is because in life not everything seems to be what they look like as the person you decide to help will as a matter of fact pull you into an ocean of trouble. On the other hand, offering assistance may be the only thing a person needs to do to receive a visible elevation usually in status.

Furthermore, the statement " how are you " is an excellent statement for relating with people. The reply of most people is positive but the human nature of having unlimited wants proves otherwise. The scenario depicted in the statement before suggests that one indeed offer help though unconsciously and was declined also unconsciously. When a person wants to offer assistance, he does that to those closer to him consciously seeking to know their troubles and offer solution to them because once a problem is shared it could be solved. But one need to bear in mind that every solution leads to another problem. Solution and problems are like conjoined twins as when a solution is procured for an existing problem, another problem is born. Mankind's quest for simplicity and ease has made life rather complex and complicated. One must be selectively hospitable, that is to offer help to people only when one observe carefully and know for a fact that the situation is genuine. Situations like this may happen really fast, but you have to be faster in thinking twice, observing and concluding before offering help.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Reputation: An Apple In Your Eye

In life, peoples opinion about an individual is important, these opinions are based on actions performed in the past. An individuals reputation may endanger or protect him, therefore, in every situation an individual finds himself, the opinions of people always count. An individual's reputation is hinged on the opinions of people about him. When a majority of the people in an individual's society have a certain opinion about a person, then that opinion accounts as the reputation of that individual.

Building a reputation either good or bad is very difficult as it may be as long as a lifetime, but actually maintaining that reputation is the real work. When a reputation is built, such a person must work hard to maintain that reputation as a change in society's opinion about a person could lead to his downfall. The key to maintaining a reputation is doing nothing less that being careful.

Reputation, Either good or bad is function of the level a person will attain in life, also, it is a function of the places aperson is found. When a large percentage of the people in a particular society have a negative opinion about anybody, the people in such a society will crave for the banishment of such a person from that society. The decision to have a good or bad reputation depends on the choices a person makes. In life, we choose to be good or otherwise, society dictates whatever is right and whatever is right and wrong. Therefore to have a good reputation, a person's action must mimic the right principles as dictated by the society.

A good reputation always have a tendency of being tarnished, it is in human nature to build and destroy, but destruction seems east as it requires less cunning. People will always want to destroy one's reputation, but it takes wisdom and resilience to maintain a good reputation. One must act cautiously when protecting one's reputation bearing in mind that utopia is unattainable an as such one must have critics. Society celebrates one with good reputation, never allow anything to mar it.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Anger; When Controlled And Not

When you are offended, the first thing that your mind process is retaliation. The process of retaliation is effected by anger which is a function of the actions you display. Anger is an emotion related to an individuals psychological interpretation of having been offended, overpowered, wronged or denied and a tendency to react through retaliation. The way or manner that anger is being expressed by an individual determines either it is controlled or uncontrolled. The ability to control anger shows to some extent the level of maturity of an individual. Anger shows it good side when it is controlled as it can be a functional value of survival with respect to adrenaline response to escape from danger of fight of attacks.

On the other hand, uncontrolled anger is ultimately destructive and is a breath to kindle the fire of disgrace. Uncontrolled anger blinds reason and is beyond reasonable doubt a period of miniature madness. It is part of human nature to exhibit anger, as even young children exhibit some traces of anger. We cannot fight human nature and the behaviours that are enjoined to it, but we can learn to control them and prevent them from getting out of hand. There are grave consequences attached to one's excesses in the behaviours that one exhibit.

Furthermore, Uncontrolled anger makes a normal and right thinking person into an insane animal. It shows us how dangerous and destructive an human being can be. But effective communication with one's consciousness ( self ) can help control anger and thereby reduce to the barest minimum the risk of causing destruction, exhibiting unreasonable actions, kindling the flame of crude retaliation and self inflicted public disgrace.

A good listener always exhibit controlled anger because he understands the motive behind any statement uttered to him.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Discord: The Good and The Bad

The nature of we humans is a combination of characteristic behaviour that do not correlate. There is always a sort of disagreement among the element or components that make up the behaviours we exhibit. In every gathering of humans, the element of discord is readily available. The only good thing about discord is depicted when meetings end on a good note. When the humans in such a meeting disagree to agree, then discord has done what i would call a good job.

Discord as we know it is when two or more parties disagree over anything imaginably possible. The results of discord are total failure and destruction. When the element of discord is -present in body or an organization, it brings such an organization to it knees and ultimately destroy that organization. In the course of history, many great civilizations were destroyed because of the element of discord. Discord between two kingdoms causes war and at the end, one party will declare itself victorious. Victory has no meaning when human lives have been wasted, properties and loved ones destroyed. Therefore, discord is the mother of chaos and destruction.

Furthermore, when discord is viewed from the perspective of health, Discord among the various system in the body causes ill-health. The homeostatic processes running in the body are basically to prevent discord. When the process breaks down, discord sets in and the individual would feel uncomfortable. On a microscopic, when the degree of concentration of the solution outside a cell is not equal to the degree of concentration inside that cell, the death of such a cell is imminent, unless necessary actions are performed.

Discord causes efforts to be futile, as it ensures that good results do not occur. Remember, there is a good side to this as anything that has it merits, is always accompanied by demerits. Discord is part of human nature, therefore our conscious as well as our subconscious should be able to process it and use it selectively.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Chalking Out Future Courses Of Action: Comparative Advantages

Making arrangements for something you want to do in the future is top priority if you want it to be successful. The future may be the next minute, hour, day or month, therefore making necessary preparations gives the individual a little bit of an advantage over the future. The future most times never turn out the way we want, but when necessary planning is done, the future will turn out to an extent what we projected it to be.

When events are planned, careful and skillfully carved out plans make the event a success. Executing a plan proves to be the actual work. It takes a lot of precision ,that is executing the well created plan in step by step fashion. On the other hand, executing a scrappy or low quality plan is more difficult to execute with respect to the well created plan. The risks involved are enormous as one problem leads to another thereby causing a total failure in the execution of the plan. Good and well prepared plans always fare better than plans that are not created by skillful individuals.

Furthermore, planning is essential as everything created is apart of an ingeniously created plan. The creator is a master planner as he masterminded the creation of the whole universe and he incorporated core creations like the sun, our planet the earth and even we humans an other living creatures as well, also he created support structures for our survival. A master planner and tactician can turn a disadvantage into an advantage in a chess game by just playing one move.

Finally, failure is the expected result when lacking preparations are made and with failure comes the element of ultimate disgrace. Therefore, the manner of preparations an individual makes goes a long way to affect the future. The plans and preparations one makes in the course of living are crucial to one's survival.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Life....The Challenges Involved.

Life threatening challenges are faced by people in the course of living, every challenge experienced in life even those that we are nonchalant about are lie threatening. Challenges occur right from birth, to travel farther back, i would say right from the moment we were conceived in the womb.

The first challenge for the newly conceived embryo is it survival, some survive and some do not. Another is the birth of this living being, it may survive at birth or not. Other challenges come into the fray, these are the challenges of childhood, some of which are learning to sit, crawl, stand and learning to utter some words (the first word being the real challenge). Another necessary challenge worth noting is that of giving relevant responses to words said to the young individual.

The series of challenges continue when school learning starts, it is then necessary to say that the birth of the of anew day comes with challenges. Therefore, why should anyone be called a failure while still alive. That such an individual surpassed the challenges from his first day on this planet till that present moment makes that person a conqueror because hope exists where life is present. The only challenge that no human has never surpassed is death. Death is a trained assassin with a record of not losing its target. It is a powerful barrier that separates hope from devastation.

Therefore, one should never forget that as long as one's heart beats, Self belief is an asset that helps to find one's path in life. Also, remember that one should not run from a challenge, challenges shapes one's paths in life. Take every challenge head on, only then can one discover and put to use one's full potential. Destiny is not what is given to us, it is what we grasp on our own.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Humans Always Lose Their Shine

Knowing that things turn really ugly after they glitter raises the question, "Is there anything in things world that retain it shine?" well, you might say the precious metal gold. But i have to say, the question is not in a literal sense, therefore, it is simply asking about the behaviours we humans exhibit. It is interesting to note that with careful observation of the actions of human beings throughout the course of history lets us draw some astronomically amazing and at the same time boring conclusions.

Reality is like a level at which the mind work consciously with little intrusion from the subconscious. The subconscious helps to show people around us our real personality without wanting to that. In the end, the conscious always want to call it a mistake but I say it is good for some once in while true expressions. The saying “all that glitters is not gold” is itself a rarity of sorts and also a rare gem such that when it is lost, it takes a lot of tireless effort to recover. The effort is effected by the subconscious as the conscious always believe itself t be competent and superior. The irony is that it has lost a very precious gem and cannot still realize what it has lost. People say the support of every man is a woman and I also want to ascertain that the precious support of the conscious is the much belittled subconscious.

Taking another look at the first saying in this write-up, the conclusion drawn is that human beings are practically and literally not going to retain their shine after they glitter. Humans always lose their “inner and outer shine”, the latter lost to aging. The behoviour of a person changes over time, the challenges faced by the person and the situations such a person finds himself. Therefore, it should always be buried deep in ones conscious that change can occur at anytime, the problem is, are we ready to be challenged. But let his be known, the mind is powerful yet so powerless and so resourceful yet so useless when at the mercy of the Homo Sapien.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

The Course of Life; A Chemistry of Choices

In life, not everyone realizes that in the end it all comes to the choices we make, Our choices are function of our eventual future.Choices, either make or mar us, they are defining points in our lives where we are afloat or sinking. Choice itself is an ancient phenomenon that emerged right from the beginning of time. This insinuates that it was by choice we humans evolved or were created, it is by choice that we harness our support structures one of which is the sun, in fact it is necessary to say that it was by choice the solar system was created.

The early humans devising a way to survive was basically hinged on choice, i would reiterate that it was by choice that fire was even discovered. When a civilization reaches the brink of it downfall, the choices made either keeps it in existence or fatally send it into extinction. What then can be a solid deduction about choice? Is it a phenomenon that just manifests or is it a function of the human mind. In the world to day, it is generally known that human wants are unlimited, that proves that even the rich wants to get richer at the expense of the poorer. What then is the answer? The choices we make may of course be a very compelling answer as every choice made is crucial.

The choices goes a long way ahead of us as it shapes the course of events and history. History in simple terms is a collection of human choices transformed into actions. These actions are either celebrated or condemned by humans in the present day. Choices made affect our lives every point in time, your choice to put on a black shoe today makes everybody's description of you today to involve that black shoe, perhaps your choice to wake up late results in you getting late to your place of work, which of course is also hinged on you choosing to sleep late. Humans always want to make choices that cheat nature, but many forget that they components or components of nature. Can a kingdom be divided against itself? Only the wise can give an answer.

It is quite bad to discover that so many people believe the choices they make are right , but most times it is not so. One should understand that any choice that was made by an individual that opposes the social structure of any given community is choice that buries such an individual. It should also be noted that the life any species on planet earth is solely woven on the choices that was made. As a matter of fact, living is a choice that was chosen by every species and it is the first and only choice to be labeled "right" without necessarily examining it.

Furthermore, the choices we make brings us closer to our eventual fate, although some choices may push us closer to our fate than the other

Monday, 13 August 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

The Ability To Notice Significant Details; The Camera Approach

When things get sloppy,the only group of persons that realizes or sees it are keen observers. Some of these observers are paid to observe, while some do it as a fun loving hobby. "Even the worst activities on this planet still occupies some people as there hobbies". It is absolutely important that events as they occur gets observed by people that has this peculiar gift of observation. These people interpret whatever others did seem to miss.

A person would only realize that he is at his personal best when very keen, noticeable and unnoticeable observers tell him his qualities. Observing a personal best is based on the prior qualities of the observers at such an event. Relativity also come int the pitch when certain decisions are to be taken by observers. An individual cannot see change unless there are other observers from different vantage points.

In this write-up, each person represents a camera and the keener the observer, the eventual quality of the camera in terms of specifications. When an event is viewed from different angles, of course with different cameras, it gives an insight to what really happened in an event or scenario.

The beauty of the camera, is that it obeys one of the fundamental laws of power which is "observation before action".

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