Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Perfection: The Unattainable

Life would never be interesting if perfection were a common thin. Perfection would only make things stereotypical because for the existence of humans, there must be the presence of some element of bias.
As a matter of fact, human existence hinges on laws which are meant to be obeyed or broken in order for history to be recorded. Perfection is just in front of humans but cannot be achieved by anyone. Imperfection is the reason for physiological and sociological merits and demerits.

A human with a good heart, that is a good person would have bad intentions an demerits, however really small. Also a person with a bad reputation would definitely have an ounce of good in him. A lot of sports that people derive entertainment from would not be entertaining after all if imperfection were not present. The absence of perfection is the reason for social strata  which encompasses behaviours, likes, dislikes, principles, laws, judgements, punishment and a lot of other things, even feeding. Not being perfect is the ever present essence of living, a perfect being is in fact not human.


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