Monday 10 September 2012

Primitive Species And The Human Social Life

Interesting it is to observe that a lot of other species on this planet that have been recorded to be relatively primitive to humans experience the lessons life teaches humans, though in a crude way. The amazing part, is that these species seem to either find a way out of life's harshness or live with it without complaint.
This is quite typical of ants, this specie work together with more efficiency than humans and save enough food for the days they would not be able to gather.

Another interesting  species is the domestic chicken, it experiences life it originality given the fact that it has a shorter life span relative to we humans. It experiences danger, hunger, hardship and a lot more, even the good ones. It lesson begins with it birth, as it struggles to survive diseases and is under constant protection by it mother. The situation gets worse when it becomes mature enough to wander on it own, searching for food, escaping danger and even trying to establish a peck order. This continues till it eventual death, it is a primitive specie that takes life head on, always trying to find a way out.

A lot of other species behave in similar manner to the domestic chicken. A wise person once said, "go to the ants and learn from it ways". If humans start observing and comparing the social lives of other species, it will not be so hard to find out that humans are not so different to other species after all, but just privileged.


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