Thursday, 6 September 2012

Curiosity: Pros and Cons

Every human has a strong desire to know or learn about certain things, even though interests are divided, that is each person has his interest in particular things. Humans are a species that crave to know about themselves and their environment.
Humans are a curious species and as such are very resourceful in learning of finding out a lot of things and also storing them up in memory. The level of curiosity about certain things differ among individuals as a person who is exceptionally curious about astronomical facts could be less curious about stock market transaction.

Being curious could be termed good or bad owing to the situation it was applied or the effects it can muster. It a lot of sense when the things that an individual is eager to learn does not in any way affect another individual, when it does in fact affect negatively, it is tagged a bad use of curiosity. Bear in mind that some excceptions might occur as every human needs to be checked once in a while to cut off anti societal behaviours.

When an individual is curious about information that does not concern him, he has indirectly opened the door to problems. The bottom line is this "curiosity is good when the matter at hand concerns you, but bad when otherwise". Man is curious being, therefore it comes as no surprise when the recent space rover sent to explore Mars was named Curiosity.

On a final note, one should learn to check the excesses of natural human behaviours as they can put one in trouble.


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