Friday, 24 August 2012

Boredom: A Creativity Inhibitor

Boredom is period when one feel weary and dull, a period when one feel nothing is happening when in fact, a lot is happening. The individual fail to notice whatever is happening in his vicinity as interesting because the strings of events that happens, follow a regular pattern. Therefore, any event that occur at that unenthusiastic period presents it self as something that such an individual has seen a lot of times.

Nothing in our world can keep an individual entertained for a long time as we humans always crave for change unconsciously. The fact that one changes his dress, food, drink and a lot of other things establishes that fact. Being bored is like a punishment as it causes the mind to be in a static state where thinking , and interesting memories of one's past are almost shut out, "almost", being the operative word because at times during the period of boredom, one just seem to remember a few interesting events tat one was involved. A bored person cannot at that period be creative because the natural will to create has been kept rather quiet by his subconscious.

Being bored is different from being idle, as one could be bored with whatever one is doing, like work, but being idle is when one is lazy and would not want to do anything. A bored person finds something to do, but it does not entertain him, while an idle person does not want to do anything.

The solution to boredom is to be involved in a variety of activities that are not in a regular repeating pattern. This proposes that one engages in different activities at different periods in a day as this reduced the tendency of being bored. For instance, video games can bore a person when he keeps playing over and again, but when other activities like reading, watching a movie, surfing the internet and chatting with friends are done altogether with work, the individuals day cannot be anything better. But planning the times at which each activity is performed is of utmost importance as one must make sure that the activities do not follow a regular pattern. Being bored is human nature, but it is wise to lit it as it inhibits creative thinking


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