Sunday, 9 September 2012

Change: The Unstoppable

In almost every situation in life, an individual would always want to deny that change is  imminent. Most humans do not always want change, though not in all aspects, but some aspects of their lives.
It should be perfectly understood that without constant change, the planet earth would not be in existence, hence we humans. Change made ancient man who once lived in caves and on trees to over time build elegant and wonderful structures as seen in present day.

Every human being should also consider that he is a changing being. Every part of the human body, even at cellular level undergo some sort of change at every point in time. Conception in the womb signals change, then the transformation that occur during the gestation period is every bit a picture that signifies change. After delivery, the baby begin to grow, which is change as his bones grow in length and strength. As a matter of fact, every part of his body changes. the process then continue till death, which is not the final stage of change physiologically as after death series of decomposition and other processes occur. Change would survive as long as the human race survives.

Lastly, to survive in life efficiently, one must learn to adapt to changes in timely fashion


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