Tuesday 21 August 2012

Help And Hospitality: Different Vantage Points

When a person sees an individual he recognizes, the first probable statement that he utters is " how are you? ". This statement dates back to the beginning of time, and it would continue to survive. The survival of this statement is due to a character possessed by we humans which is hospitality. Hospitality is the friendly and generous treatment of the people around us, it is a character we exhibit as a result of our nature.

Whenever we discover that anybody is in a terrible situation, our first thought is to offer help, but a larger percentage of we humans always stop to think again concerning the situation. In the end the majority would decide not obeying the "mind your business" policy, while, a few will oblige to offer help. Hospitality is an action that has bilateral repercussions that is it affect the receiver as well as performer, though it may not be simultaneous. Unknowingly, one may be generous to himself by refusing to offer help, this is because in life not everything seems to be what they look like as the person you decide to help will as a matter of fact pull you into an ocean of trouble. On the other hand, offering assistance may be the only thing a person needs to do to receive a visible elevation usually in status.

Furthermore, the statement " how are you " is an excellent statement for relating with people. The reply of most people is positive but the human nature of having unlimited wants proves otherwise. The scenario depicted in the statement before suggests that one indeed offer help though unconsciously and was declined also unconsciously. When a person wants to offer assistance, he does that to those closer to him consciously seeking to know their troubles and offer solution to them because once a problem is shared it could be solved. But one need to bear in mind that every solution leads to another problem. Solution and problems are like conjoined twins as when a solution is procured for an existing problem, another problem is born. Mankind's quest for simplicity and ease has made life rather complex and complicated. One must be selectively hospitable, that is to offer help to people only when one observe carefully and know for a fact that the situation is genuine. Situations like this may happen really fast, but you have to be faster in thinking twice, observing and concluding before offering help.


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