Thursday 27 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Machine Intelligence: The Turing Test

When humanity was faced with how it would check or test the intelligence of the machines it created, it developed a way of achieving that by inspiring a certain person known as Alan Turing with a method which became generally accepted and criticized. This test was tagged the Turing test. It is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour.
Turing suggested that a human judge should engage in a natural language conversation with a machine and a human. The machine being able to perform such that it would not be distinguished from the human. The three participants are to be separated from one another. The machine fails the test if the judge distinguishes it from the human due to the answers it gives and it passes the test if the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human.

In executing the test, it should be noted that the test does not check the ability to give correct answers, but it checks how closely the answer to each question resembles a typical human answer. Also, if the conversation were to be a vocal one, the result would be failure for the machine. Therefore, the conversation is limited to a text only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen so that the result obtained would not be dependent on the ability of the machine to render words in audio and also the quality of the sound produced.

Monday 24 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Computer Keyboards: The Chiclet Variant

Recently, one would observe that the type of computer keyboards one see possess an array of keys, with each key looking like a small square with rounded corners. These set of keyboards are known as the chiclet keyboards.
The name "chiclet" isb a brand of chewing gum that has the shape of a square with rounded corners. These keyboards, have each key surrounded and held in place by a perforated plate which results in space between the keys. The chiclet keyboards are also different when compared to the slant edge keys that the traditional keyboards possess.

The chiclet keyboard also possess elevated keys that have some spaces between them. It has a design that enables the keys to blend into the surrounding area of the entire keyboard. The chiclet keyboard also has an advantage over the traditional keyboard in that it provides a user a smaller chance of hitting the wrong key. This wrong key hit chance reduction is effected by a slightly larger area of the chiclet key in comparison to traditional keyboards.
Chiclet keyboards has attained a level of popularity as it is seen especially in notebooks and netbooks and it is prominently used in Asus Laptops and Apple MacBooks.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Sleep: The End Result Of Tiredness

Everyday, the human body gets worked up would require some rest, the "rest" is effected by the phenomenon called sleeping. It is in crude terms a time of rest when the body regains it energy. During sleep, the body is totally unconscious, but the mind is not.
The mind tries to connect a lot of dots with respect to the activities that occurs while the individual was awake. The mind ponders carefully and sometimes it is able to chalk out results which most times is unknown to the individual.

The average human wakes up about four times during a good night sleep. There are several stages of sleep, but the stage of sleep when the individual start to see images is seen by an observer as when the eyes start moving.That shows to the observer that streams of images are beginning to accumulate in the mind. These images may be remembered or otherwise, but the main thing is the human connection to the unconscious.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Perfection: The Unattainable

Life would never be interesting if perfection were a common thin. Perfection would only make things stereotypical because for the existence of humans, there must be the presence of some element of bias.
As a matter of fact, human existence hinges on laws which are meant to be obeyed or broken in order for history to be recorded. Perfection is just in front of humans but cannot be achieved by anyone. Imperfection is the reason for physiological and sociological merits and demerits.

A human with a good heart, that is a good person would have bad intentions an demerits, however really small. Also a person with a bad reputation would definitely have an ounce of good in him. A lot of sports that people derive entertainment from would not be entertaining after all if imperfection were not present. The absence of perfection is the reason for social strata  which encompasses behaviours, likes, dislikes, principles, laws, judgements, punishment and a lot of other things, even feeding. Not being perfect is the ever present essence of living, a perfect being is in fact not human.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Hyper-threading Technology: Not In Details

Hyper-threading Technology is useful, when it comes to computing, it is a technology that improves the running of multiple tasks at once by making the operating system to address two virtual or logical cores when only one processor is present.
It also allows the operating system to share the work load betwen the virtual cores. Hyper-threading is a technology that makes one processor appear to the Operating system as two processors, this allows the operating system to schedule two processors at once.

The term Hyper-threading was Intel's term for simultaneous multi-threading, which works by duplicating a certain section of the processor which is the section that store the architectural state of the processor. Hyper-threading requires that the Operating System support multiple processors, not only that ,but the Operating System should be optimized for Hyper-threading technology. Hyper-threading technology has gone a long way to improve the speed of computing, it is used in most computers nowadays and there is assurance of more us and definite improvement in the future

Monday 10 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Primitive Species And The Human Social Life

Interesting it is to observe that a lot of other species on this planet that have been recorded to be relatively primitive to humans experience the lessons life teaches humans, though in a crude way. The amazing part, is that these species seem to either find a way out of life's harshness or live with it without complaint.
This is quite typical of ants, this specie work together with more efficiency than humans and save enough food for the days they would not be able to gather.

Another interesting  species is the domestic chicken, it experiences life it originality given the fact that it has a shorter life span relative to we humans. It experiences danger, hunger, hardship and a lot more, even the good ones. It lesson begins with it birth, as it struggles to survive diseases and is under constant protection by it mother. The situation gets worse when it becomes mature enough to wander on it own, searching for food, escaping danger and even trying to establish a peck order. This continues till it eventual death, it is a primitive specie that takes life head on, always trying to find a way out.

A lot of other species behave in similar manner to the domestic chicken. A wise person once said, "go to the ants and learn from it ways". If humans start observing and comparing the social lives of other species, it will not be so hard to find out that humans are not so different to other species after all, but just privileged.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Change: The Unstoppable

In almost every situation in life, an individual would always want to deny that change is  imminent. Most humans do not always want change, though not in all aspects, but some aspects of their lives.
It should be perfectly understood that without constant change, the planet earth would not be in existence, hence we humans. Change made ancient man who once lived in caves and on trees to over time build elegant and wonderful structures as seen in present day.

Every human being should also consider that he is a changing being. Every part of the human body, even at cellular level undergo some sort of change at every point in time. Conception in the womb signals change, then the transformation that occur during the gestation period is every bit a picture that signifies change. After delivery, the baby begin to grow, which is change as his bones grow in length and strength. As a matter of fact, every part of his body changes. the process then continue till death, which is not the final stage of change physiologically as after death series of decomposition and other processes occur. Change would survive as long as the human race survives.

Lastly, to survive in life efficiently, one must learn to adapt to changes in timely fashion

Friday 7 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

The Ear: A Wonderful Organ

When a careful observation of the human body is carried out, everyone would discover that each organ has it usefulness and that the whole body would not function optimally if a organ is out of place. The ear would be the organ one would reckon with as the organ that detects sound.
It is an important organ of the human body that senses audio signals and changes it to nerve impulses for the brain to interpret. The visible ear is first of many steps to hearing, as the hearing process is complex and really fast.

The ear also aids balance and body position as it is responsible for psychological balance in human beings. The ear as it was communicated earlier recognize sound which is he means of auditory communication. Although, the sense organ for recognizing audio signal or sound is the ear, it is the brain that really do the hearing. The brain is a wonderful component of the body as it coordinates everything that runs in the body. It is like super turbo charged high capacity processor that works really well without hitches and is not in danger of developing a fault because a larger part of it is in fact idle.

The ear is so good at detecting changes in sound produce such that when a new tone is introduced into the fray, the head automatically turns in the direction of the sound. The ear is an interesting piece of the creator's technology, nothing can rival it effectiveness.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Curiosity: Pros and Cons

Every human has a strong desire to know or learn about certain things, even though interests are divided, that is each person has his interest in particular things. Humans are a species that crave to know about themselves and their environment.
Humans are a curious species and as such are very resourceful in learning of finding out a lot of things and also storing them up in memory. The level of curiosity about certain things differ among individuals as a person who is exceptionally curious about astronomical facts could be less curious about stock market transaction.

Being curious could be termed good or bad owing to the situation it was applied or the effects it can muster. It a lot of sense when the things that an individual is eager to learn does not in any way affect another individual, when it does in fact affect negatively, it is tagged a bad use of curiosity. Bear in mind that some excceptions might occur as every human needs to be checked once in a while to cut off anti societal behaviours.

When an individual is curious about information that does not concern him, he has indirectly opened the door to problems. The bottom line is this "curiosity is good when the matter at hand concerns you, but bad when otherwise". Man is curious being, therefore it comes as no surprise when the recent space rover sent to explore Mars was named Curiosity.

On a final note, one should learn to check the excesses of natural human behaviours as they can put one in trouble.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Touchsreens: A Relevant Encapsulation

Presently, majority of the screen of various mobile devices possess a visual display that can detect the presence and location of touch, which of course is within the display area. Such type of screens are referred to as Touchscreens.
Touchscreens enables a user to interact directly with whatever is displayed on the screen. It eliminates the tedious use of a pointer controlled by a mouse or touch pad. The Touchscreen also let the user interact with the display without making use of any intermediate device that would need to be held in hand, other than a stylus, which is optional in modern Touchscreens.

The touchscreens we see around us are based on different technologies, but the two most common variety are the resistive touchscreen and capacitive touchscreen. Resistive touchscreens in crude terms are those type of touchscreens that can respond to touch from any object, that is from both conductive and non-conductive objects. The second variety which is the capacitive touchscreen is a type of touchscreen that responds to a special capacitive stylus and conductive objects of which the human hands and fingers are eligible.

Finally, a friend of mine who did not have any prior knowledge about the types of touchscreens, but is a person who determines to discover things on his own observed that some touchscreens work on application of pressure, which in this case blood pressure, he then took a sachet of water, drain some part of the water, and he made the sachet containing water to touch the screen. The screen responded perfectly. The screen he carried out this test on was a capacitive touchscreen. Touchscreens are everywhere, and they rove to be the key to unlocking future technologies.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Idea: Dangerous Yet So Amazing

Certainly, a very dangerous disease would be one that spreads in a host faster and most importantly wreak havoc in the host within a short period of time.
Many reckon that the most dangerous disease is caused by a family of parasites known as plasmodium spp. The disease is generally called malaria, it affects the body, but does the mind take a blow?, the answer is no!. What then is the most dangerous disease of the mind? I believe that this disease is a phenomenon called Idea.

An idea is a thought of or about something to do or make. It is a thought that eats through the mind, it spreads like a deadly disease. Once an idea is planted in an individuals mind, most especially by his subconscious, it is hard to get rid of it as an idea takes over the mind. An idea has the capacity to occupy the mind and as such controls an individuals actions.

There has been nothing that we humans see around us that is not product of thought, as a matter of fact, life is an idea conceived in the mind of the creator. In life, there is good and evil, so there definitely exist constructive ideas as well as destructive ideas. One should always ensure to nip destructive ideas in the bud by conceiving a constructive idea or making one's morals function. A man's idea depicts his personality, and shows the world the nature of his subconscious

Monday 3 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Life And The Electric Circuit: A Brief Comparison

Life can be compared to a lot of things, an interesting one is the electric circuit. An electric circuit is a closed conducting path through which an electric current either flows or is intended to flow. The idea that an electric circuit relates to the fact that life is like a boomerang as any action taken has it consequences. "What goes around, comes around"

An electric circuit also has it parameters which are the various elements it possesses, some of which are resistance, capacitance and inductance. In life, one always strive to overcome every situation, the level of effort offered to overcome obstacles also determines one's future. The resistor is an important component of the electric circuit, its work is to oppose the flow of current. The course of life is like the electric current, it flows and comes in contact with components like the inductor, capacitors and resistors, with each of the component been affected by the electric current or the component impressing an effect on it.

The force that drives the current through a circuit is related to man's fighting spirit, but unfortunately, a lot of humans tend to give up or lose that force when resisted. They look lackluster to tackle the opposition. A good strategy of attack is the second step to defeating an opposition, the first step is knowing the opposition and it strength

Sunday 2 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Loudspeakers: A Wonderful Innovation

One of the wonderful innovations by humans is the (loud)speaker. The (loud)speaker converts electrical signal or energy to the appropriate sound signal after the microphone or any other media has converted the original sound energy to electrical signal.
The sound produced by (loud)speakers are a lot louder than the original sound input, this is due to an equipment called the amplifier.

The loudspeaker meets the need of almost every human, as it allows everybody in a large congregation to hear effectively and clearly the original sound produce by a speaking individual or a media device. Sound signal is wave-like and requires no material medium ( empty space ) to propagate. Sound energy is converted to it equivalent electrical signal for ease of amplification and other fine tuning. Sound/Audio Engineering is an interesting field that deals with the transmission, compression, amplification, conversion, noise reduction, reinforcement,.... of sound using different equipment.

Loudspeakers disseminates whatever is transmitted to them, and the loudspeaker's opinion is this "he that has ears, let him hear".

Saturday 1 September 2012

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Dreams: Images And Hope

When one sleep, a succession of moving images occur involuntarily in one's mind, most of the time one sees himself in those images. This occur at some certain stages of sleep, and the phenomenon is widely regarded to as dreaming.
The human consciousness has no influence on whatever an individual encounter in his dream, as it is the subconscious that tries to connect to the unconscious. Therefore, it is an involuntary connection to the unconscious.

An individual's dream could also be referred to as his hope for what he want to be in future and his wish to have something, especially something that he deemed difficult . It is good to have dreams as it is that part of human nature that set one to achieve goals in life. When an individual's mind is set to achieve something, and he has a hope of achieving it, he should consider it his dream and work towards making it a reality.

Dreaming in one's sleep has it contents and purpose not definitively understood, but dreaming about what one to have or be, is a clear picture pasted on one's mind.

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