Tuesday 4 September 2012

Idea: Dangerous Yet So Amazing

Certainly, a very dangerous disease would be one that spreads in a host faster and most importantly wreak havoc in the host within a short period of time.
Many reckon that the most dangerous disease is caused by a family of parasites known as plasmodium spp. The disease is generally called malaria, it affects the body, but does the mind take a blow?, the answer is no!. What then is the most dangerous disease of the mind? I believe that this disease is a phenomenon called Idea.

An idea is a thought of or about something to do or make. It is a thought that eats through the mind, it spreads like a deadly disease. Once an idea is planted in an individuals mind, most especially by his subconscious, it is hard to get rid of it as an idea takes over the mind. An idea has the capacity to occupy the mind and as such controls an individuals actions.

There has been nothing that we humans see around us that is not product of thought, as a matter of fact, life is an idea conceived in the mind of the creator. In life, there is good and evil, so there definitely exist constructive ideas as well as destructive ideas. One should always ensure to nip destructive ideas in the bud by conceiving a constructive idea or making one's morals function. A man's idea depicts his personality, and shows the world the nature of his subconscious

1 comment:

  1. Nice writeup about Ideas. They are the very essence of everything both seen and unseen +1


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